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Gifts & Donations

The Geneva City School District gratefully accepts donations to assist with student programs, clubs, field trip opportunities, and more. Donations to the district are tax deductible. Please use our online Donation Form below, which allows you to choose between a monetary or item donation and designate a use for your donation.

Donation Form


Organization Contactrequired
First Name
Last Name
Would you like to remain anonymous?required
Type of Donationrequired
This donation will be accepted by the board of education at the next monthly business meeting, after which a letter of acceptance will be sent for tax purposes.
In accordance with the provision of Section 170(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Geneva City School District Acknowledges that no goods or services were provided to you in consideration of your donation to the Geneva City School District.

Donations should be sent to:

Superintendent of Schools
Geneva City School District
District Offices
400 West North Street
Geneva, NY 14456