Community Flyers
Distribution of information from outside entities, regardless of affiliation with the district or lack thereof, is entirely at the discretion of the Office of Communications and Office of the Superintendent and may be denied without reason or advance notice.
Printed Flyers
Flyers produced by outside entities are eligible to be considered for sending home with students if:
- Sufficient lead time is given (this may vary depending on time of year, but a minimum of one week is preferred),
- Sufficient copies are provided to supply the targeted grade level or building,
- Information is provided in both English and Spanish,
- Formatting is ADA compliant,
- There is no cost to the event, services, or products listed,
- The event, services, or products listed comply with existing Board of Education Policy,
- The event, services, or products listed are aligned with the district’s strategic initiatives, and
The Office of Communications or Office of the Superintendent has approved the flyer. If there is a cost to the event or service but all other qualifications are met, flyers may be made available for pickup in the main office or counseling office.
A classroom teacher may, with the express permission of the building principal, choose to send printed flyers that do not meet condition 5 (cost) if all other above conditions are met, and there is a substantial potential benefit to that classroom (for example, Scholastic book sales, which provide the teacher with funds to purchase classroom books).
Entities that exist solely for the benefit of Geneva City School District students (for example, Geneva Family School Association) are exempt from conditions 2 (sufficient copies) and 5 (cost) and may, therefore, send flyers home with students in the buildings they serve if all other above conditions are met.
Digital Flyers & Announcements
Flyers and announcements from outside entities may be shared digitally if the relevant above conditions for printed flyers are met. Exceptions may be made for condition 5 (cost) but will be subject to a review of total cost, benefitting party, and targeted audience.
Because digital flyers are generally not ADA compliant, they will be replaced or accompanied by a text announcement containing all relevant information. The outside entity must provide the text of the announcement; embedding the proposed text within the flyer is not sufficient, as it must be in an easily editable format. The Office of Communications will not be responsible for writing or proofreading announcements for outside entities. The Office of Communications reserves the right to edit supplied announcements for style and clarity.
Announcements from outside entities are generally not eligible for sharing via ParentSquare except as part of an existing e-newsletter publication. If the announcement is time-sensitive and there is no upcoming e-newsletter, an administrator may choose to send a stand-alone ParentSquare post with the express permission of the Office of Communications or the Office of the Superintendent.
Social Media
Preference will be given to sharing existing events or posts from community partner social media accounts rather than direct posts to district accounts.
Announcements from outside agencies will be made solely at the discretion of the Office of Communications or the Office of the Superintendent.