Acceptable Use Policy
With access to such a vast array of unregulated information, there exists the potential of accessing materials that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of a school setting. The Geneva City School district is taking precautions to control access to controversial materials. This is presented though instruction related to Internet access, enforcement of this policy, and vigilance of staff; however, on a global network that is driven by millions of unsupervised contributors. It is impossible to eliminate the potential of access to controversial and illegal materials intentionally or accidentally. The Geneva City School District regards the value of the wealth of information and services available on the Internet to outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with educational goals. As the technology matures, refinements in policy will respond to both new challenges and positive outcomes.
The smooth operation of the Internet within a school setting relies on the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided so that you are aware of the responsibilities you are about to acquire. In general, this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of network services. Software on computers creates a log that lists sites/addresses accessed by the computer. If a user violates any of these provisions, his or her access will be terminated, and future access could be denied. The signatures on the attached document at the bottom of this page are binding and indicate acceptance.
Internet access is now available to students and teachers in selected locations in the Geneva City School district. The Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and teachers. The goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence and improve student performance. This is facilitated through resource sharing, problem-solving via information access, innovation, and communication through curriculum-driven activities.
The Internet is a vast network of people all over the world using computers to share information and services.
Acceptable Use
The use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the district's educational objectives.
Staff time spent online during contractual hours as well as student time during school hours should not have a detrimental effect on other obligations. The use of the school district's equipment must comply with the rules applied to network use and access privileges. Accessing, downloading, reproducing, or displaying any information that offends or embarrasses others is strictly forbidden. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to copyrighted material. Use for commercial activity is not acceptable.
The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of that privilege. Violation of the above-defined acceptable use will result in suspension of access. Users have full responsibility for the use of their access, and under no conditions should access or passwords be shared. All users must participate in training related to the proper use of the Internet. Rights that have been granted for use on school-owned restricted terminals are not transferable to home computers or use from any other computer. Actions that disrupt network services and deny access to others will result in the termination of all privileges.
If access to e-mail has been granted, the general rules of network etiquette include a) Be polite. Do not send abusive messages to others. b) Use appropriate language. c) Do not reveal your personal address, phone number, credit card number, or those of students or colleagues. d) Note that electronic mail is not private. System operators have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to authorities.
Security Issues
Security on any computer system is designed more for reliable and consistent network performance than protection of confidential documents. Attempts to log into the network as an administrator, bypassing passwords, or disabling any portion of the system will result in disciplinary action.
Home Pages
Home pages are sites that provide WWW access to information posted by individuals and groups. Any GCSD school organization that receives permission to have a home page residing on the Internet server agrees to abide by the conditions and terms of this policy and policies established by the district's Internet provider. Any legal cost or damages resulting from the violation of these policies are the responsibility of the subscribing organization.
Home Access to the Internet
Students and employees who have access to the Internet at home or other locations are to follow the same guidelines for acceptable use if representing the district and specifically if documents are moved among locations. Users are not allowed to transfer or display documents on district computers, by disk or other means, which are unacceptable in content.
Parent Notification
- Parents who sign the student form agree:
- That a user may be able to gain access to services on the Internet that may not be appropriate or suitable for education purposes.
- That the district at this time does not censor the Internet, though filtering software will be used to prevent accidental access to objectionable information. A proactive approach to classroom instruction will be used.
- That there is a risk that students will read, view, and hear material on the Internet that they or their parents find inappropriate, offensive or controversial.
- That supervision of Internet access at home is as important as the district's efforts to supervise its access at school.
- That all signatures on this document represent intent to provide access to a technology that can enhance instruction, research, and learning in Geneva City Schools.
Violation of these agreements will result in termination of all rights of access to the Internet, and possible disciplinary action.
Emerging Guidelines and Policies
As the Internet changes and the technology of its access evolves rapidly, polices governing its use must respond. The district reserves the right to notify all users and subscribers of any additional policies made necessary by emerging technology