Instruction (Section 8000)
BOE Policies > Instruction (Section 8000)
- 8110 Curriculum Development, Resources and Evaluation
- 8120 Request for Part 100 Variance or Part 200 Innovative Program Waiver From Commissioner's Regulations
- 8130 Equal Educational Opportunities
- 8140 Religious Expression in the Public Schools
- 8210 Safety Conditions and Programs
- 8211 Prevention Instruction
- 8220 Career (Occupational) Education
- 8221 Continuing Education
- 8230 Guidance Program
- 8240 Instructional Programs: Driver Education, Gifted and Talented Education and Physical Education
- 8241 Patriotism, Citizenship and Human Rights Education
- 8242 Eighth Grade Acceleration
- 8250 Evaluation of the Instructional Program
- 8260 Title I Parent Involvement Policy
- 8270 Instructional Technology
- 8271 Children's Internet Protection Act: Internet Content Filtering/Safety Policy
- 8272 Loan of Instructional Computer Hardware to Nonpublic School Students
- 8280 Instruction for Students with Limited English Proficiency
- 8290 Summer School Credit
- 8300 Contracts for Instruction
- 8310 Purposes of Instructional Materials
- 8320 Selection of Library and Audiovisual Materials
- 8330 Objection to Instructional Materials
- 8331 Controversial Issues
- 8340 Textbooks/Workbooks/Calculators
- 8350 Use of Copyrighted Materials
- 8360 Use of Electronic Media
- 8410 School Calendar and School Day
- 8420 Opening Exercises
- 8430 Independent Study
- 8440 Homework
- 8450 Home, Hospital, or Institutional Instruction (Homebound Instruction)
- 8460 Curricular Trips
- 8470 Home Instruction (Home Schooling)
- 8480 Animals in the School