6130 Evaluation of Personnel
6130 Evaluation of Personnel
2023 6130
Subject: Evaluation of Personnel
All Staff Members
The administration will undertake a continuous program of supervision and evaluation of all personnel, including support staff, in the District. The primary purposes of the evaluations will be to encourage and promote improved performance and to make decisions about the occupancy of positions.
Teachers and Administrators
The District is committed to supporting the development of effective teachers and administrators. To this end, the District will provide procedures for the evaluation of all professional staff. The District will develop an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) plan/educator evaluation plan in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The primary purposes of these evaluations are:
- To encourage and promote improved performance;
- To guide professional development efforts; and
- To provide a basis for evaluative judgments by applicable school officials.
Disclosure of APPR/Educator Evaluation Ratings
The Commissioner is required to disclose professional performance review/evaluation data for teachers and building principals on the New York State Education Department website and in any other manner to make this data widely available to the public. The District will provide notice to parents or legal guardians of their right to obtain this information and the methods by which the data can be obtained.
Education Law Sections 3012-c and 3012-d
Public Officers Law Article 6
8 NYCRR Subpart 30-3
8 NYCRR Sections 80-1.1 and 100.2(o)