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6161 Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement

6161 Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement

2014           6161



All conference travel must have a completed Travel Conference Request Form on file which has been approved by the appropriate supervisor. They must be pre-approved forty-five

(45) days prior to travel, when possible. The Superintendent/designee approves those Travel Conference Requests which have reimbursable employee expenses. Travel Conference Request Forms are only to be used by District employees.

All conference reimbursement requests must be submitted using a Travel Conference Reimbursement Form.

Expenses for overnight-approved travel will be reimbursed when accompanied by original receipts for lodging and other reimbursable expenses. Meal expenses for overnight travel will be reimbursed at the United States General Services Administration per diem rate, which can be found at

New York State sales taxes for lodging and meals cannot be reimbursed. A Sales Tax- Exempt Form can be obtained prior to travel for hotel accommodations.

Original itemized receipts are required when submitting for parking, meals, lodging and tolls; however, “EZ Pass” statements may be substituted with the appropriate charges highlighted.

If a group of employees is traveling to the same conference, employees are required to travel together. If a district vehicle is not available and a personal vehicle is used, the driver will be the only employee reimbursed for mileage. Exceptions include employees who live out of town and travel in their private vehicles to attend the conference. In those instances, employees will be reimbursed for their mileage going to and from their residences or the district, whichever is shorter. A district vehicle must be used when available. Refer to District Regulation 6161 R for district vehicle guidelines.

NOTE: Refer also to Policy #5323 – Reimbursement for Meals/Refreshments

Adopted: 12/11/06 Revised: 8/11/14