6180 Safety of Students (Fingerprinting Clearance of New Hires)
6180 Safety of Students (Fingerprinting Clearance of New Hires)
2019 6180
Unless otherwise authorized in accordance with law and regulation, the District shall not employ or utilize a prospective school employee, as defined below, unless such prospective school employee has been granted a "full" clearance for employment by the State Education Department (SED). The School District shall require a prospective school employee who is not in the SED criminal history file to be fingerprinted for purposes of a criminal history record check by authorized personnel of the designated fingerprinting entity. For purposes of this provision of law, the term "criminal history record" shall mean a record of all convictions of crimes and any pending criminal charges maintained on an individual by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The District shall utilize SED's Web-based application known as TEACH for instantaneous access to important information about certification and fingerprinting. Through TEACH, SED provides an individual with the ability to apply for fingerprint clearance for certification and/or employment and view the status of his/her fingerprint clearance request. Through TEACH, the School District is able, among other applications, to submit an online request for fingerprint clearance for a prospective employee, view the status of a fingerprint clearance request, and determine whether a subsequent arrest letter has been issued.
Safety of Students
The District will develop internal building and/or program procedures to help ensure the safety of students who have contact with an employee holding conditional appointment or emergency conditional appointment. Such procedures will address the safety of students in the classroom, students attending off-campus activities under the supervision of the School District, and students participating in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities (including sports and athletic activities).
Safety procedures to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following: supervision of the employee holding conditional appointment/emergency conditional appointment as determined appropriate by the applicable building/program administrator; and periodic visitations by the building/program administrator to the classroom, program and/or activity assigned to the employee holding conditional appointment/emergency conditional appointment.
Access to TEACH
Information regarding fingerprinting of new hires, including relevant laws and regulations, frequently asked questions (FAQs), an up-to-date chart for "Who Must be Fingerprinted," and instructions on the fingerprinting process are found on www.nysed.gov. To request access to TEACH, e-mail TEACHHELP@mail.nysed.gov.
Correction Law Article 23-A
Education Law Sections 305(30), 305(33), 1604, 1709, 1804, 1950, 2503, 2554, 2590-h, 2854, 3004-b, 3004-c and 3035 Executive Law Section 296(16)
Social Services Law Article 5, Title 9-B
8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 80-1.11 and Part 87First Reading: 8/13/01 Second Reading: 9/10/01
Adoption: 10/8/01 Reviewed: 12/19/19
1st Reading: 1/13/20
2nd Reading and Adoption: 2/10/20