6220 Temporary Personnel
6220 Temporary Personnel
2000 6220
District's needs may sometimes require temporary appointments. The terms of these appointments shall be defined by the Board of Education on a case by case basis.
Student Teachers
The Geneva City School District shall cooperate with teacher training institutions in the placement of student teachers in order to provide beginning teachers with the best possible student teaching experience.
Student teachers shall be protected from liability for negligence or other acts resulting in accidental injury to any person by the School District, as provided by law.
Substitute Teachers
A substitute teacher qualified to teach in the Geneva City School District shall be employed, whenever possible, by the Superintendent of Schools in the absence of a regular teacher. It is recognized that fully certified persons will not always be available for employment as substitute teachers.
The Board of Education shall annually establish the ordinary rate for per diem substitute teachers.
8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations
(NYCRR) Section 80.36
Education Law Section 3023
Adopted: 5/8/00