6420 Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information
6420 Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information
2000 6420
Personnel Records
Administrative regulations will be developed to implement the terms of this policy to maintain a personnel file for each teacher, administrator and support staff member employed by the District.
Regulations and procedures will be developed addressing the inspection by District employees of their personnel files.
Release of Personnel Information
All steps should be taken to protect the privacy of the employees of the Board of Education. To ensure the individual's privacy, directory or confidential information should not be shared with a third party except in the following situations:
- When members of the Board of Education need information from the employee's personnel record to aid them in performing their legal responsibilities in such matters as appointments, assignments, promotions, demotions, remuneration, discipline, dismissal or to aid in the development and implementation of personnel policies.
- When the employee grants permission.
Procedures for obtaining consent for release of records to third parties shall be developed by the administration.
8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations
(NYCRR), Part 84
Public Officers Law Section 87
Adopted: 5/8/00